South Korea
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and may be different from the product and the approval conditions of Korea.
This is not subject to domestic laws and regulations for the protection of Korean consumers.
In addition, all information given from this website with regards to the product and
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인터내셔널 웹사이트의 내용은 해당 지역의 제품 정보에 관한 것으로
국내 제품과는 품목 및 허가사항이 다를 수 있으며, 이는 국내 소비자의 보호를 위한
국내법 상의 광고 심의 규제를 받지 않습니다.
스타메드 웹사이트의 모든 정보는 전문 의료진을 위해 제공하는 제품과 사용법에 대한 정보임을 밝힙니다.
The content of the United States website is related to the product information of the local region
and may be different from the product and the approval conditions of Korea.
This is not subject to domestic laws and regulations for the protection of Korean consumers.
In addition, all information given from this website with regards to the product and
usage of the product is for Licensed Medical Professionals.
미국 웹사이트의 내용은 해당 지역의 제품 정보에 관한 것으로
국내 제품과는 품목 및 허가사항이 다를 수 있으며, 이는 국내 소비자의 보호를 위한
국내법 상의 광고 심의 규제를 받지 않습니다.
스타메드 웹사이트의 모든 정보는 전문 의료진을 위해 제공하는 제품과 사용법에 대한 정보임을 밝힙니다.
Incorporated in May 2011, STARmed has grown from 5 employees to more than 100 today,
and floor space more than 30 times bigger.
This fast-growing success is attributed to our close affiliation with key Opinion Leaders in the field of Radiofrequency Ablation, and our passion in successful Patients’ Treatment. With their contributions of innovative ideas, our Engineers transformed them into dependable and effective Medical Devices, and we have earned ourselves no less than 10 Patents.
Originally focusing on Liver RF Ablation, we have gone a step further to develop the right electrodes and algorithm for Thyroid RF Ablation. In the short 8 years period, we have established ourselves to the Global Leadership in Thyroid RFA, and no less than 70% of Clinical Studies on Thyroid RFA are done with STARmed devices, with extremely promising Clinical Results and low Complication Rate.
STARmed is a family gathering of talented individuals passionately believing and innovating on the long proven Radiofrequency Technology for the past 10 years. We now have 4 different Generator Systems and more than 10 Electrode types in the market to serve different treatment needs.
Globally Recognized and Respected brand name in the Ablation Market, STARmed will continue to innovate and support the needs of Ablation Treatments.